CRISTAL Level-2 Processor Prototype for Sea Ice and Iceberg

Illustration of CRISTAL acquiring over Sea sea Ice ice and Icebergs icebergs. © ESA

The CLEV2ER Sea Ice and Iceberg supports the design, development, implementation, and evolution of the CRISTAL Level-2 product format and[ Ground Processor Prototype GPP algorithms, focussing on the thematic areas of Sea Ice and Icebergs.

A transcoding tool will be implemented to allow the GPP to ingest data from other in-flight missions and airborne campaigns for the purposes of analysis and testing. The evolution of the algorithms will support the increasing scientific readiness of CRISTAL through phase C/D/E1 of the mission.

isardSAT will design, develop, and implement the transcoding tool; develop algorithms for extracting iceberg parameters; and define novel approaches for waveform discrimination using FF-SAR processing.


University College London (UCL-MSSL), isardSAT, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), National Institute for Ocean Science (Ifremer), Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE), University College London Earth Sciences (UCL-ES), University of Manitoba, Canada, University of Tromsø / The Arctic University of Norway (UiT).




altimetry, satellites, algorithm development, snow / ice